First of all I apologize for not posting this sooner, but I have been having some internet problems that fortunately were fixed today thanks to my new friend Drew in the IT department!
STAGE ONE: Excited
My Monday started dark and early at 7:00 am, after getting ready and saying goodbye to Melly, my mom and I started driving to Atlanta.
Melly and me before our goodbye...she knew
something was up and was having a
very anxious morning |
After the quick drive we arrived at Maggie's house (Maggie is a good friend of my moms) and headed out to lunch. Maggie and Martin (her husband) treated my mom and I to a delicious lunch at Canoe (thanks again!), which helped me relax--thanks to the wine, good food, and great conversation.
My mom and me at Canoe |
Then we were headed to the airport were I said a three month goodbye to my mom--and Mom you held it together very well, I am proud of you!
Do you see the British flag?? |
Just before the teary eyes |
Heading through security was a breeze, there was no line and the whole process took less than five minutes--and I took my time because I still had two hours to kill. So my extra time was spent making a few calls and attempting to keep myself in a relaxed state. Before long Charlotte, Kaitlin, and I were reunited and boarding the plane, ready to fly nonstop to London.
STAGE TWO: Very tired (but still excited)
Charlotte and I fresh off the plane |
8 hours, 2 meals, and 0 sleep later we walked into the London Heathrow airport--included in those 8 hours there was also a thirty minute period were they were unable to open the plane door, so that was fun. But the fun didn't end there...we got to stand in line waiting to go through immigration for at least an hour and a half before we realized that there was a very short student line. A couple minutes after this realization we walked into the baggage terminal with new stamps in our passport books, but our baggage was not listed on the screen because it had been over two hours since our plane landed and our baggage was collected. Thanks to my brightly colored (or should I say coloured?) suitcase, I spotted all the Atlanta baggage in a pile across the airport, so that dilemma was quickly solved. Later, after what I thought was the longest walk of my life, a short train ride, and more walking, we found the shuttle service for the University of Nottingham and got the chance to stand in another line. But the waiting was not all bad, because I was able to grab a quick snack (at this point it is about 11:00 am in London and I ate breakfast at 6:00 am) and I got a chance to sit down on the airport floor.
STAGE THREE: Exhausted
At 12:00 pm London time, Kaitlin, Charlotte, and I were on the shuttle toward Nottingham and I had officially been awake for 24 hours. In my delirium I took pictures of the big fluffy clouds in the English sky on the uncharacteristically sunny day and wrote in my journal. I began noticing the differences in my surroundings, from the rolling hills to the differently colored and styled houses--this was a very peaceful point in my day.
Kaitlin and Charlotte took a different approach and passed out on the bus.
At 2:30 we arrived at Nottingham, received our temporary rooming assignments, picked up our University cards, ventured through an underground tunnel, fought through and surrendered to a couple emotional meltdowns and then rested before dinner, where we met a few new friends!
Even though two days, which felt like one, were stressful and tiring, they were also so much fun. I was reunited with my two best friends, experienced my first flight out of the country, and finally began the trip I have been planning for the past year.
So here begins my study abroad experience
filled with rolling hills, great friends, and the unexpected!
The University of Nottingham |
We've finally arrived! (Kaitlin, me, Charlotte) |